The Wildlife Zone


Photographic exhibitions were displayed throughout North West and central London, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and other locations such as Liverpool Cathedral. Each annual exhibition was based on the FES agenda for that year, which was usually the declared UN year of the animal or an environmental issue.

The Uxbridge MP and government minister at the time John Randall, was (and still is) a good supporter of our exhibitions as well as for all of the work that FES does. Another supporter was the Nepalese ambassador, who still exhibits two of Andy's photographs in the Nepalese Embassy at Kensington Palace Gardens. In the state room is the Armour Plated Rhino, and in one of the offices is the full length photo of the tiger.

Ron Bishop, Martha Cawkell and Lyn Duckmanton have been helpful volunteers in putting up and managing these exhibitions which was most welcome because of the huge amount of work necessary for such successes.

Mike Woodman has been the volunteer Wildlife Zone photographer for these events. His professional contacts are .